Evaluation of threatened bird species in Guatemala

Bearded Screech-Owl (Megascops barbarus)
Knut Eisermann contributed current data on the distribution of this owl, based on which the species was uplisted from Near Threatened to Vulnerable in the BirdLife International/IUCN Red List of globally threatened birds in 2012 (see species fact sheet of Bearded Screech-Owl at BirdLife International's website).

Azure-rumped Tanager (Poecilostreptus cabanisi)
Our field research on distribution, habitat use, and nesting ecology of Azure-rumped Tanager (Poecilostreptus cabanisi, formerly Tangara cabanisi) provided an updated status evaluation confirming the listing as Endangered in the BirdLife International/IUCN Red List of globally threatened birds in 2012.

Ocellated Quail (Cyrtonyx ocellatus)
In collaboration with the Center for the Study of Tropical Birds, Knut Eisermann evaluated the status of Ocellated Quail Cyrtonyx ocellatus, published in:
Eitniear, J. C. & K. Eisermann (2009) Status and recent sightings of Ocellated Quail. International Journal of Galliformes Conservation 1: 85-93.
Based on this assessment, Ocellated Quail was uplisted from Near Threatened to Vulnerable in the BirdLife International/IUCN Red List of globally threatened birds in 2010.

Highland Guan (Penelopina nigra)
Red List status of Highland Guan has been upgraded from Near Threatened to Vulnerable based on Eisermann, K., N. Herrera & O. Komar (2006) Highland Guan (Penelopina nigra). Pp. 85-90 In: D. M. Brooks (ed.) Conserving Cracids: the most threatened family of birds in the Americas. Miscellaneous Publications of the Houston Museum of Natural Science 6. PDF
Based on this assessment Highland Guan was uplisted from Near Threatened to Vulnerable in the BirdLife International/IUCN Red List of globally threatened birds in 2007.
Contributions to the BirdLife International/IUCN Red List of threatend species
Knut Eisermann contributes regularly data for several species for updates on the IUCN/BirdLife International Red List of Globally Threatened Birds (see species fact sheet at BirdLife International's website):
Highland Guan
Horned Guan
Ocellated Quail
Yellow-headed Parrot
Bearded Screech-Owl
Keel-billed Motmot
Pink-headed Warbler
Azure-rumped Tanager